Apple-a-day green smoothie

An image of a Gold Rush apple with a green-yellow hue and a spotted exterior, not unlike freckles.

If you know me at all, you know a bish can't function without a smoothie every day. My mother got me into the habit early on as a kid, and although i wasn't necessarily very particularly fond of the pulpy carrot and orange juices back then, I now crave smoothies of all kinds on a daily basis. Still, life be life, so I have go-to smoothie blends that make it easy to stay healthy and get my daily greens and fruit, easily.

This is one such recipe that yields a delicious soft green color, not unlike the apple above.

Into the blender:
  • Kale, two-three full leaves (curly or dino)
  • A sweet apple of some kind, remove seed. A pear also works. Lately, i've been really loving Gold Rush and Golden Delicious apples from my local farmer's market. Delicious, beautiful and dreamy yellow interior, and sweet.
  • A good wad of peanut butter, crunchy and unsalted
  • Add as much water as you'd like for consistency. At least one cup, likely. Some might use milk. I have in the past but don't currently.
  • Spoonful of protein powder
  • Totes optional: pieces of mango for sweetness and a smoother texture
  • Recommended: a few ice cubes for cold and smoother texture


Blend! For the best experience, serve in an insulated cup. It maintains the quality of the smoothie significantly longer.

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