A quick how to on cooking an entire raw chicken in water in a pot.
Place everything in a big pot and fill it with water til it covers it all. It’s okay if the chicken sticks out a little. Bring it all to a boil for a bit, then let simmer - the water should continue to be active throughout the cooking process.
Depending on the size of the chicken, it will take around an hour to hour and a half to two. Chicken should be cooked to at the very least 165F degrees, so the best way to check is to have a thermometer in hand and sticking it in the densest part of the chicken, like a thigh. It should easily clear and read higher than 165F, not be on the precipice.
Once cooked through, remove the chicken and extras, strain the broth - and you now have chicken broth, which you can use for different dishes! - and do what you will with the chicken meat like, for example, shredding it and saving it for a different dish, like pozole. You can also eat and save the giblets, like the liver and chicken neck. Once the meat is removed, you can also make a bone broth with the leftover bones, but that’s for a different how-to..
That’s it!!