
Ends, beginnings (bookends)

So much to say, and nothing.


This project seems so frivolous to work on during this (wild) time but it's one of the few things keeping me going. This and cooking and food in general; I know there is so much to learn and that keeps me going. It reminds me of this quote from FKA Twigs:

I felt seen on reading this, especially as an only child who often spent time in their room alone, figuring out, reading, imagining, finding out, playing, and seeking to feel connected to the world, if not just through the sheer act of discovery and learning what’s out there, what’s possible, or what might be.

This morning I woke up haggard and confused at 4am because I smelled smoke. For a second I thought I was camping. But no - later I learned that there was a fire last night in Prospect Park. We live in Manhattan, but the smoke had very easily reached us.

There's been no rain. In October, I came upon a really wet sidewalk, and it smelled like wet sidewalk, and I was like damn I haven't smelled a wet sidewalk in a minute!

It really hasn't rained.

Over the summer I’d had an AC unit installed, but it wasn’t properly fitted or sealed against the window. I knew that if there was ever a fire at some point over the summer (like last), we’d be in trouble. What I didn’t think would happen is that it would be in November. The apartment we live in is small and there’s only windows on one side of the apartment, with little circulation otherwise. Given how much the apartment smelled, I knew exactly what the problem was. Half asleep I went to the window and took eveything apart so that I could close the window properly.

The AC unit is now in the closet (also re-arranged at 4am, to make space).

In other news, today I'm testing and writing out a recipe, so I went out early in the smoke with a mask, did my gathering, and stayed in for the rest of the day. We'll see how it goes. Also, I should probably actually publish this website at some point.

Update in the evening. 20:56

The food was so good, no notes. As for the smoke, it’s mostly cleared up in the apartment but still smoky outside.

Em’s ©2025