Do we have a name?
We have a name!
Last night I finally maybe (okay it's only been a couple weeks) came up with a URL. The name was always Em's but the URL? A mystery...
Until last night.
I didn't want to overthink the name in general. I was weary of using 'ems' spelled out as it felt like an acronym, and there were indeed acronyms that used ems, and none were relevant.
But the word cookery felt funny to me. As in, it literally sounded silly, as if it was a form of cooking that was playful or experimental. So I looked up the etymology (obvs) and... it didn't carry any of those connotations. Sad. Instead, it was one of the more straightforward definitions of cooking out there:
Cookery (n) "Art or practice of cooking and dressing food for the table," late 14th century. Credit: Online Etymology Dictionary.
But then last night, right. I was like what if we just lean into Em. Forget the 's.
&& here we are:
I like it cause it kinda reminds me of the word tomfoolery? Em cookery, tomfoolery.
Tomfoolery (n) "Foolish trifling" 1812. Credit: Online Etymology Dictionary.
Em cookery. Tomfoolery. Em cookery.
Anyway, it's the name we're using for now!