Udon miso soup with some tofu on the side

This is how I do it but you can do it many ways, and you could also add more depth to the broth with kombu etc, but personally I find this both easy and still incredibly yummy. This is a dish I especially enjoy when I’m feeling a little dehydrated and in the mood for something both light yet warm, comforting, and filling.

  • Red miso paste
  • Hot water
  • Scallions
  • Tofu
  • Frozen or dry udon noods
    • I prefer dry but longer cooking time
I was hungry and this was the best photo we got y’all
[Motion blurred image of a pair of chopsticks next to a bowl of udon, presumably, as it’s blurry. The colors are warm and bright, of a red hue]


I use both the stovetop and a water kettle.

Fill a saucepan and turn the heat up high. Grab frozen/dry noodles out of the fridger, set aside. Grab bowls. Drop about 2-3 tablespoons of miso into desired bowls, depending on size of bowls. The amount you make/size of the bowl will affect how much you use, of course.

Fill your kettle and set it up 200+ degrees Fahrenheit. The variability is because depends how cold your tofu and other ingredients are. Let the kettle hold the water on that temperature.

In the meantime, while things get hot, cut up some scallions, and dice up the tofu. If you want to prep ahead, you can dice the tofu and let it dry out a bit, as the soup will re-invigorate it. Once the saucepan is boiling, drop in the udon noodles. If frozen, boil for about a minute, or whatever your package recommends. If fresh, it’ll be prob like 7 to 10 minutes. While those secs tick away on that min (if frozen), walk over to your kettle and pour the hot water into the bowls and over the miso. If fresh, wait til they’re nearly done.

Add hot water into bowls, mix the miso, add the tofu cubes. Turn back to the saucepan and strain those noodles out after the minute has passed. Rinse with cold water to stop the noodles cooking.

Then drop the noodles into the bowls with miso and tofu. Add scallions, and salt to taste.


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