Last month I’d started to consider themes to recipe building. That work is still in progress. However, eventually, it also led me to acknowledge (to myself) that it was starting to feel like time to more specifically define a scope for this cooking garden, in general. Why? Well, the project was such a new and nascent idea when first launched in December that it didn’t feel quite right to define its lens. I figured it would become obvious as time went on.
And it has.
Exploring recipes, food, photography, writing, and all the different things on this website has helped me hone in on what is exciting to me and what is not, and how I’d like to ultimately express this via Em Cookery. From here on out, you’ll see a more defined scope to the project that I’m quite thrilled about, and if you’ve just found this for the first time – welcome.
I’m so glad to have you here.
In the meantime, please excuse if there exists a bit more unplanned mess than usual on the site. I’m building and re-designing some tings on the backend to prep it for the newsletter and to start sending this project out to more folks.
Other updates I have in the works at the moment:
Talk soon