Is been cold.
Been thinkin of what this website could encompass now that it’s design is steady (enough), and how I’d like for it to be something I can easily continue to contribute to. So, setting up some structure, like ideas for different series (food memories, photography), or working in a different capacity, like recipe ideation, to support that soft goal.
This got me thinking about some informational structure (architecture), too. There isn’t much, yet, so I get away with the design as is, but I think I’d like to start thinking of recipes on this site in collections or categories, with maybe the first fitting under a ~Home banner so to speak, as they’re the dishes I like to make often, simply, and easily. The next could be something more for special occasions, for example. My plan is to think on what this next grouping might be, and be the project I steward and grow more specifically for the next say, six months. Or somethin. If it’s going well, I can add another focus, or extend the timeline.
In non-food news, yesterday there was a fire inside our apartment building. It was scary. Neighbors came running down the staircase yelling and banging ‘fire!’, I was in the middle of serving myself dinner (pozole) but quickly ran through my soft emergency plan and grabbed Juni and headed out after them. As fires also raged in LA where I grew up, something about this mirroring felt especially intense, reflective. We’re okay right now, though, and thinking deeply for both our neighbors here and our friends and family in California.