As an experiment, even if posting here just the once, I wanted to share one interim schedule I have while i’m in this new liminal period of my life (aka super cool fun way to say I recently quit my steady job to pursue food and cooking:)
Earlier this week I took the time to write myself a few malleable ‘structures’ a.k.a schedules so that I could feel a bit more rhythm in my days. I love to do many different things and be busy, and I’ve noticed that I do well with flexible, modular structure. It doesn’t need to be overly rigid or specific, but enough to help name and define direction and goal for the day.
To be in a practice of setting routines and schedules, no matter how ephemeral they may be, feels like a nice way to take care of my mental health.
Wake up, start hot water, reading in bed
Take Juni Mimi Rose Roneous out, long walk through bigger park or short one to a different closer, smaller park. Make initial meal. Smoothie or eggie prepared in some way, typically. Whichever i don’t do gets pushed to lunch. Likely light tidying from previous day as i can’t be creative or feel at ease/function with a messy space
Somewhere in all that, showered, dressed and ready for the day
Flex outside time. I prefer the light of day in the morning and for some reason don’t really fuck with afternoon light as much, especially so in the winter. The angle of the sun – not quite right. Makes me wanna be inside. So, I’ve noticed that doing my out n about activities feel best, most enjoyable, and easiest in the morning.
I love walking around early in the morning from place to place, especially in NYC. The light across the buildings, the busy energy of the morning, the possibility of the day
Lunch, smoothie, a transition period: I may be returning from being outside, packing things away, I may take little one out, and so on
Study, read, write. Activities to lean into a bit and settle in, be cozy. At some point have a second coffee or a tea, maybe a snack or two
It’s getting dark, so i take lil one out. If i don’t, it’s because she went out with me first thing in the morning. Another transition period
Thinking about food, doing food prep, being hungieee
Cook, eat
What i’m calling ‘Playful Computer Time' (PCT). Do things like, read random articles, (re)search up a new idea to see how crazy/realistic it is, make a quick sketch or design, occasionally a productive creative mood
Getting eeps, getting ready for bed. Flossing, gg
GG, lights out if I’ve even made it this far
One thing I enjoyed about laying this out is that, I don’t need to necessarily do these exact things in this exact order, but I can still use the rough structure. Maybe i’ll spend time doing more computer work in the afternoon, but I still see that afternoon as a dedicated, cozy work block
Roughly, the morning is to feel prepared for the rest of the day, and I know that any outside activity is generally reserved for the morning. If it’s workout day, I usually start the day there, at 6, and push other tasks accordingly.